Goji Therapy is a massage parlour located in the Ruko Paramount Tematik in Gading Serpong. It is quite small with about 10-15 therapist available. It is Japanese-themed yet their signature treatment is the Swedish massage.
The price is cheap and includes a happy ending: Rp120,000 for 90 minutes (and only Rp100,000 during happy hours from morning until 3pm)
Goji Therapy (Gading Serpong)
Ruko Paramount Tematik (Pasar Modern Paramount), Blok N39
GS, Tangerang
BalasHapus9 Executive Spa Samarinda beda total perawatannya. . . ruangannya nyaman,therapist nya asik cantik lagi pokoknya pelayanannya oke laah...TKP di Jl. Untung Suropati No.35, Karang Asam Ulu, Sungai Kunjang, Kota Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur 75243 highly recommended in a town!!! www.nine-spa.com